Monday, July 9, 2012

Music, Diabetes, and a Brief Hiatus

'ello world! (as I laugh to myself because, by "world", i mean the fifty-or-so of you who read this). This is the Monday when Barbri really amps up, so I will not be posting blogs until the exam is over (July 25th, I believe). If you read a post by me before then, please leave comments telling me to go in a hole and study. I'll try and jot down ideas for posts as they come to me, but I really need to rid myself of distractions, which is very hard for me. 

I just went on a 5K run in the rain. Sometimes, you just have to run in the rain. There is something a little more raw and satisfying about running in the rain. I don't know what it is. It's just rain water, but for some reason you feel like you're conquering something mighty. 

On my run, I had a playlist (duh.) On my playlist, I had a song (bigger duh). In this song were some lyrics (are we feeling a little nursery rhyme-ish yet?). In these lyrics, I found a tiny triumph.

In the clearing stands a boxer 
And a fighter by his trade 
And he carries the reminders 
Of ev'ry glove that layed him down 
Or cut him till he cried out 
In his anger and his shame 
"I am leaving, I am leaving" 
But the fighter still remains 

Yes, "The Boxer" by Simon and Garfunkel. I love lyrics that speak to a variety of situations. With Diabetes, every day I have to make the choice to engage in the maintenance. I could roll over and surrender, but such adversity brings out the fighter in me. 

With that in mind, I am off to tackle the home-stretch of bar exam preparation. Wish me luck :)

For your listening/viewing pleasure, here is my favorite band (do you have to ask?) covering "The Boxer" in Nashville -

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