Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Month, New Leaf (Leaves).

Each time January 1st rolls around, we get busy making promises to ourselves, large and small. We call them resolutions. Some of us write them down in colorful sharpie marker, confident that this year will be the year they all get accomplished. But, you know what, one of the biggest obstacles in achieving goals is the timeframe we give ourselves to accomplish them. 365 days is a long time.  I don't know about you, but sometime around March, my motivation begins to dwindle. Even goals such as "I want to lose 30-pounds this year" are a bit unfeasible. Sure, a year is plenty of time to lose the weight, but I don't think the goal is specific enough in terms how that is supposed to happen in the immediate sense. Instead, it might be easier to give yourself monthly goals to help accomplish the yearly one. That is what I like MOST about 30-day timeframes. It seems like sufficient time to establish most good habits, even if the goal takes longer.

You know what today is? July 1, 2012. You know what day of the week it is? Sunday. Set the tone for July and your upcoming work week by doing something good for yourself today. I am not suggesting that you get out in 100-degree weather and sweat. Do something that will allow you to sit in bed tonight and feel both accomplished and motivated for the upcoming week and month.

Here are a few of my goals this month -

1) Don't be so hard on myself.
2) Stick to the rigorous study schedule. The end is in sight, and the goal is to pass.
3) Don't fear the low-glycemic carbohydrate.
4) Take the dog on a walk first thing in the morning. If for no other reason, then to clear my head for the day.
5) Continue to diversify my workouts. That includes incorporating my bike and yoga.
6) A cup of green tea per day.
7) C'mon, Jordan. SPF when you are in the sun...

Goals for today -

1) 1 hour and a half of exercise - Pure Barre + Bike Ride
2) Dishes & Laundry put away
3) Barbri Catch-Up
4) Cook the Quinoa Burgers

I haven't perfected the frap quite yet, but it sure does taste good on warm mornings :)

I like to start off the day with this positive reminder. 

I gave this bread a shot. Just to warn you, it is not low-carb. If you are interested in Gluten-free, however, it is VERY tasty.

This is evidence that I ate too many carbs for breakfast. So, I decided to go for a twenty-minute bike ride. You see where the hill starts to decline on the right side of the screen? That coincides with my blood sugar dropping during the bike ride. With insulin on board, I went from 212 to 136 (and falling) in twenty minutes. I ultimately leveled out at 115. I really keep an eye on the down-trend when I do this to make sure it doesn't drop too low. It usually doesn't when I am too high at the start. 

These are also a delicious gluten-free choice. Each grocery store trip, I like to buy one or two gluten-free options. Most of the time, I am shocked at how gluten-free alternatives do not compromise taste. I made nachos with these chips an hour ago, and they were delicious. 

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