Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Is it really Christmas Eve already? I know I am not alone in finding that time flies the older I get. When I was younger, I looked forward to Santa and toys. Now, I look forward to the togetherness. I want to soak it in like a sponge, but it always seems to end too soon. I reflect somberly on those who have lost loved ones this year. It is hard for me to imagine celebrating Christmas with a single person missing. I can't fathom what some families are feeling this year in light of the tragedy in Connecticut. I hope they find a clear path to peace. I hope they feel the love and support of those of us around the world. Our lives are fragile, hanging in a delicate balance every moment of every day. So, may we not find joy only in the gifts we unwrap. Let us treasure each embrace, each conversation, and each "Merry Christmas" from a stranger. Let us have patience is travel and patience in turmoil. Let us have love for each other that extends long past a day on the calendar.

It will be my first Christmas as a Diabetic.Christmas helps put Diabetes in perspective too. It seems a little smaller on a day of such grandeur. I''ll be fine! I just need to pace myself, avoid the punch, and limit the cookies.

I know it has been a while since I have posted on this blog. The fashion blog monopolized a lot of my time in December. I have plenty of life updates to exam prep, half-marathon training, an upcoming endo. appointment, etc. So, you'll have to stay tuned...

Happy Holidays!
God Bless :)

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