I know. I have been absent for a good while. I have been trying to focus my attention on the other blog, which I had passed off as the stepchild to this one for far too long. And, truthfully, there weren't many eventful Diabetes stories to tell you. Each day starts to look like the other when you are unemployed. I did get to go to a wonderful Diabetes dinner with my friend, Stephanie. We met two really nice women.
Today, I had an Endo appointment. You know, those quarterly check-ups to see how I am doing? One of those. I always come prepared with questions. I had a list - ask about OBGYNs, allergy medicines, and insulin pumps. The first thing I asked, however, was something like - "you know last time when you gave me a C-Peptide test? You know how it came back in the normal range? Am I honeymooning because I feel like I am waiting for the bottom to fall out?" He began to explain to me the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 and mentioned something called Type 1.5. [Say, what?!] He told me he was willing to try me on oral medication instead of taking my mealtime shots. My pancreas actually makes half the insulin it needs. I will continue taking my Levemir at night. So, armed with samples, I went on my merry way.
Then the philosophizing started. What am I? Diabetic, sure. The insulin therapy seemed to be working in terms of getting my blood sugars lower. Why fix it if it ain't broke? Because maybe I can achieve control without the shots. Let's face it, that would be nice. So, I get to try it for a couple of weeks and report back my results. Guess what? That pesky weight-gain side effect I have been complaining about may become less of an issue with these oral meds. Though I am an optimist of sorts, I know when to be skeptical. I know we are merely trying something. There are no guarantees that this will be my "magic pill", and I could be back on Novolog in no time. I'll keep you posted.
What I have learned is that Diabetes, no matter the type, is so individualized. Sure, we love to find ourselves in community with one another and compare stories and provide encouragement. But no two management stories look the same. Right now, I feel like I am part of a science experiment. I came ready to talk about pumps and left with pills.
IN OTHER NEWS, The Walk For Diabetes is coming up the first weekend in October! I am walking again with Team BadaBing! The team has already received a lot of great donations and support. If you would like more information on attending or prefer to give your support in the form of a donation, click here! It is always a lot of fun! I hope to see you there ;)
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