Thursday, November 8, 2012

Photo-a-day Week 1

Oh hiiii, blog. I hardly recognized you since you were taken over by political aliens. Nice to see you again! I mentioned in a previous post that it is National Diabetes Awareness Month. There are some interesting challenges going around social media - one of which is to post a photo per day in keeping with designated themes. It has been a week now, so here is my week's collage:

Fun, huh? Well, I shared the article I wrote via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I am beside myself at the outpouring of support! My friends, family, and social network make living with Diabetes manageable because of the constant encouragement. What a joy...what a blessing to have all of you behind me in this journey...a heartfelt THANK YOU.

1 comment:

  1. Was WONDERING what those random pics were for! Now I get it! Very cool.
